Thursday, 22 March 2007


I can't beleive i actually came back......

This is my first blog and it is dedicated to LONDON BUKI.
This lady is just unique in every standard, hilarious, scintillating, smashing, (u'll think av met her..nope) but in my mind's eye she is simply Buki... u need to change ur name to UNIK BUKI.

LB, one thing i want u to know for sure is that God loves you, u're the apple of His eyes, He'll never leave nor forsake u, He has said it from the beginning and will bring it to pass, MY LORD, the unchangeable changer that changes all situation has turned everything around for ur good..

u have impacted me in so many ways with ur mummy monday, ur chidren will call u blessed.

Omo Iya Buki,
Mummy is well o my dear.

My Fellow bloggers, dont u just think this lady is wonderful?


Anonymous said...

hmmmmmmmmmmm.... London Buki is indeed a wonderful lady, infact she must let her mama know she's earned more children... nice blog.

BiMbyLaDs** said...

lol.. welcome to BLOGVILLE my dear.. londonbuki is an inspiration to all!! great gurl..

hope u have fun in blog land and thanks for dropping by!

LondonBuki said...

Oh My!
You flatter me, oh you flatter me...

Thank you so much! May the Almighty God answer our prayers...

Thank you!


Have a wonderful weekend and I'll be back! :-)

temmy tayo said...

Welcome to blogland my dear sister o.

London Buki is awesome. May God heal her mummy soon so we can parry.

naijabelle said...

She is lovely and her faith and strength is unmatchable.It seems like we all know her personally.I love that girl mehn!lol!

ExcitedJade said...

@anony... thanks for being the first.... yeap, mummy bki knows she has loads of kids of blogland

@bimbylads, thanks jare my dear.. Lb is indeed a darling.. chinco eyes nko?

@Lb, what can i say? na u now.

@temmy, av got my parry shoes ready, mummy is well.

@LNC,u're right.. it seemsl ike we all know her personally.


iconoclastic said...

Welcome 2 BlogVille

Anonymous said...

what was your old handle (name)?